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Is the Prime Minister eyeing proroguing Parliament

Is the Prime Minister eyeing proroguing Parliament, naming a new Governor General and shuffling the Cabinet?

A new Parliamentary legislative session may begin in September as all indications are the House of Assembly may be prorogued shortly.

All of the Westminster systems seem to indicate the Prime Minister may prorogue the House of Assembly, bringing the current legislative agenda to an end and opening a new format with a Speech from the Throne outlining the Government’s calibrated agenda and focus.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Cynthia Moxey Pratt is favored to become the nation’s next Governor General.

Keen observers of the Bahamas parliamentary system are quick to point out that Prime Minister Philip Davis’s comments on the appointment of a new Governor General usually also signals the prorogation of Parliament.

New Governor Generals appointed during the term of a sitting Government can also warrant this process.

It was done when former FNM Prime Minister accepted the retirement of Sir Clifford Darling and appointed his then Deputy Prime Minister Orville Turnquest as Governor General. The same pattern ensued with the appointment of Dame Ivy Dumont, Sir Arthur Foulkes and Dame Marguerite Pindling and Sir Cornelius Smith.

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