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Karma has come to the Free National Movement.

A Bahamian Writer

Having spent its entire political existence painting the PLP with a brush of dishonesty; the FNM is facing the call of modern day history which may see four more of its top brass officials facing serious allegations in the criminal courts.

At the moment former FNM Cabinet Minister Lanisha Rolle will go on trial early next year for corruption related matters when she served as Minister of Youth and Sports.

  1. Former FNM Chairman of Water Corporation Adrian Gibson, who once penned a column in a weekly newspaper in which he generously accused the PLP of malfeasance, is on trial in the Supreme Court for corruption matters in his former portfolio.

  1. FNM Deputy Leader Shenandoah Cartwright is being quizzed by the Police on matters relating to his chairmanship of the Parks Beaches and Playgrounds department.

  2. A yet unnamed Senior FNM has been told to prepare to be questioned on whether it is his signature on documents purporting to be that of another person and in relation to contracts in the Beaches Parks and Playgrounds department.

  1. Former FNM Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest jumped down from his powerful portfolios in 2019 when a Canadian aviation investor levied a broadside of charges against Mr. Turnquest on money issues in an airline they operated.

The FNM’s predicament is being viewed as well-deserved political karma.

In the 1992 general election campaign, the FNM propagandists manufactured a PLP hand, which was the symbol of the governing party; digging into a cookie jar and stuffing its pockets with public funds.

“It’s a matter of trust”, “Throw the rascals out”. Sweep it clean…keep it clean”, the FNM slogans over the last 20 years made no pretense about the perception of corruption it consistently visited on the PLP.

Two FNM former Cabinet Ministers, three FNM Chairmen of Boards and/or Corporations may be before the Courts by October to answer to a wide range of charges and allegations on how public funds may have been diverted.

A former FNM Senator was convicted of bribery four years ago when a French energy firm confessed in US court documents the FNM official was made huge sums of monies to steer the local power company BPL to do business with the French.

We are developing this story.


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